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How to Calibrate the Pulse

Fine-tuning the Pulse for your Grow

John McLaughlin avatar
Written by John McLaughlin
Updated over 4 months ago

Fine-tuning the Pulse for your Grow

The Pulse comes with one of the most accurate sensors on the market, and pre- calibrated from the factory. Read why you probably do not need to do a calibration.

Before Getting Started

2. Confirm that your Pulse is on AC power (not batteries).

3. Get an accurate thermometer and hygrometer - the "standard" that you'll be calibrating to.

4. Make sure that the Pulse and whatever meter you are calibrating it with have been in your environment for at least 24 hours to account for measurement hysteresis.

5. Make sure that the meter you are calibrating the Pulse with is directly adjacent (pretty much touching) the Pulse, and has been there 24 hours. There can be big differences in temperature and humidity for sensors that are even 1-2 feet apart.

6. If you have any calibration settings already, wipe them out at the device's settings page (see step 1 in procedure below).

Calibration Procedure

NOTE: If the device you are calibrating is on batteries, you have to wait at least 10 minutes between calibrations to see the new data. It is strongly suggested to have the device on AC power while calibrating.

1. Click on the device card on the dashboard

2. Click on the settings tab below your device name

3. Once in the "Calibrate Temp and RH" section, you will want to calibrate the temperature first by manually inputting a value or by pressing the up and down arrows accordingly. Click out of the field or press enter if you were typing.

4. You should see this pop up if successful:

​5. Wait 5-10 minutes (15-30 minutes if on batteries), this lets the device collect the newly calibrated data (since it takes into account the dew point, humidity will change as well).

6. Refresh the page.

7. Calibrate the humidity by manually inputting a value or by pressing the up and down arrows accordingly. Click out of the field or press enter if you were typing.

8. You should see the success pop up again.

9. Leave the settings page and check the new data after about 5-10 more minutes (15-30 minutes if on batteries).

10. Your Pulse device is now calibrated to your standards. As metnioned, you shouldn't have to re-calibrate for a long time, as the sensors have good temporal stability, however, if the conditions of your grow change significantly (new lighting setup, different HVAC / fans, etc), it might be worth revisiting.

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