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Automation Logic | OpenSprinkler

Article detailing the automation logic behind the Open Sprinkler integration in the Pulse app. Provides FAQ, proper use, and risks.

John McLaughlin avatar
Written by John McLaughlin
Updated over 3 months ago

With the Open Sprinkler integration, we support automated irrigation events using VWC sensor data with an integrated Open Sprinkler device. This article will explain the logic behind the automation, as well as some of the associated risks.


Before an automation is ran, it requires for there to be 3 (three) "Breaching" (Readings outside of the set parameters) data points received from the selected VWC sensor. By default, there is a 15 minute cooldown between automation reactivations. This is not customizable currently, but will be in the future.

Disclaimers & Risks

Off-site Usage

Due to these events being completely automated, there are some possible risks associated. It is not recommended to use automations when off-site for extended periods of time. For example, when you go on vacation, we suggest using scheduled runs instead. Read more about scheduled runs here.

Required Connectivity/Outages

An active network connection is REQUIRED for both the Pulse Hub and Open Sprinkler devices when running automations. If there is an outage and the Open Sprinkler doesn't have connectivity, but the Pulse Hub does, automations can still be "triggered" and will be queued up and ran once the Open Sprinkler comes back online. If the Pulse Hub does not have connectivity, then automations will not be triggered as the needed data points are unavailable.

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